I'm starting to load some of my favorite recipes and some older recipes from our family's cookbook which you can download by clicking one of the links in the box below this one. It takes some time but soon I hope to have enough recipes that you'll find something you'll want to try.


You can download our family cookbook as an Adobe.PDF or Microsoft Publisher format and view it. Better yet, it is formatted in a booklet form so you can print it out and always have it on hand!

How to oven roast tomatoes & peppers

tomato-flower My garden is producing so rather than using canned roasted tomatoes and peppers I made my own. I use 3 fresh firm tomatoes and cut the sides and bottom off about 1/4 inch thick like in the picture. Then I eat the middle. I rinse off the seeds and jucice so I have just the meat of the tomatoe left. Dry these well and even let them sit out for an hour or so. The drier they are the better and easier it will be to roast them. For the peppers I just cut the tops off and sliced them down the middle long ways. Then I cleaned the seeds and soft fleshy parts out.

roasted-tomato-pepperUse a cooking sheet and lighty oil it. I give it a quit shot with spray cooking oil like Pam. Put the peppers and tomatoes on the cooking sheet with the skin facing up. Put your oven rack as high as it will go and put cooking sheet in oven. Turn your oven on to broil and on a high heat. (450 degrees) A higher tempature will keep the broiling burner on longer. It won't take long so you need to keep an eye on it. I had to remove the peppers 5 minutes before the tomatoes. They don't have a high water content and will get done before the tomatoes. Then dice them up to put in what ever recipe you want.



I have lot of recipes but am always looking to try something new. Send me one of your favorite recipes and let me try it. I'll give you credit for it and put it on my site. You can use my CONTACT PAGE to send them to me.